Bird Club
Tijdens een lezing van Ben Koks en mij over ‘Het grenzeloze verhaal van de grauwe kiekendief’ bij Vogelwerkgroep Amsterdam ontmoette ik Mariëlle Videler. Ze zat in de zaal en sprak me in de pauze aan. “Vrouwen die een vogelverhaal kunnen vertellen zoek ik, om lid te worden van de Bird Club.” Mijn goede vriendin Erika Veld was er ook, kunstenares en schrijfster van diverse romans en het prachtige boek ‘Spreeuwig’, en zo had Mariëlle er meteen twee vrouwen bij in haar club.
Trots dat ik lid ben van de Bird Club: 24 vrouwen die verhalen vertellen tijdens de expositie van kunstenares Mariëlle Videler. Op 7 maart was ik in de Lumen Travo Galerie te Amsterdam om mijn vogelverhaal te vertellen. Erika Veld sprak op 6 maart.
Over de expositie:
Bird Bath
What makes a bird’s heart beat faster?
Solo exhibition Mariëlle Videler, Amsterdam
29 February – 11 April 2020
(inmiddels is de expo uitgevlogen naar Portugal!)
Bird Bath, exhibited by Lumen Travo Gallery, is based on a simple question, based on a desire to connect with birds. What makes a bird’s heart beat faster? How to study small birds in the urban environment?
Mariële Videler created a microclimate on her balcony, with a drip shower, seeds, colours, viewpoints. Three models for a Bird Bath will be presented in the front room of Lumen Travo Gallery, alongside an object from the collection of the Amsterdam Museum: a historic scale model of an animal fountain. By the end of the 19th century the Sophia Society for the protection of Animals installed this cast iron fountain at 15 different locations in Amsterdam.
365 BIRDS, 365 drawings of a bird, are the second part of the exhibition at Lumen Travo Gallery. All drawings are placed on twigs that apparently grow out of the walls at the back room in the gallery. Mariëlle Videler made a drawing every day during 2019.
Bird Club is a public program developed in the context of this Lumen Travo exhibition, and will take place in the installation. 24 women share a story about a bird. Bird Club is: Monica Aerden, Atousa Bandeh, Rinske Bosch, Nathalie Bruys, Anthea Bush, Marieke Coppens, Els Corporaal, Marian Cousijn, Rosalie van Deursen, Wineke Gartz, Jimini Hignett, Miek Hoekzema, Annabel Howland, Renate Jacobs, Saskia Janssen, Emily Kocken, Sherlien Sanches, Pepe Smit, Laura Vegter, Erika Veld, Elvira Werkman and three others to be confirmed. Bird Club is held every Wednesday to Saturday at 17:00, at Lumen Travo Gallery, starting Wednesday 4 March.